Dividends Simplified

Ditch the spreadsheet and use a modern solution to track your dividend income. The Dividend Tracker shows you exactly how much you can expect to earn, and when it'll hit your brokerage account.

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Rated 4.7 stars by mobile app users
Payout Calendar

Let's get to the point

You want to know when you're getting paid, how much, and from which companies. We show all that, and more.

Our dividend payout calendar helps users keep track of their upcoming dividend payments. Easily see how much you'll be paid, the date you'll receive your dividends, and a breakdown of the companies paying out.

This is key for investors who rely on dividends as a primary or supplemental source of income. With our dividend payout calendar, users can easily plan their finances and stay on top of their investment income.

Trusted by investors around the world

Portfolios Managed
Assets Tracked
Tickers (and growing)
Supported Exchanges

Dividend data at your finger tips

The one-stop shop for dividend investors

Dividend Alerts
Get notified as soon as new dividend payments are announced, or when a company increases or cuts their dividends.
We support Toronto, London as well as American exchanges and are working on expanding further.
Calculators and Tools
Using our suite of calculators and tools, project your dividend income into the future and see how your dividends compound over time.
Stock Ideas
Join The Dividend Tracker community and benefit from others. View the investments your peers are holding and search for new dividend payers.
mobile app screenshot

Track your Income on the Go

The best Dividend Tracker in the world, now in a mobile format. Track your dividend income from anywhere in the world. Now available on the Apple App and Google Play store.

Our app provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily monitor and manage your investments. Track multiple portfolios, project income, and access up-to-date dividend information. Download our dividend tracker app today and start taking control of your dividend income like never before.

Apple App Store Google Play Store

Integrate with your favorite brokerages

Our software seamlessly integrates with most brokerage accounts, making it easier than ever to import your investment. As you buy or sell positions, our platform automatically syncs the changes for you.

Fidelity Logo M1 Finance Logo Robinhood Logo Charles Schwab Logo Vanguard Logo E-Trade Logo

“A must have if you're a Dividend Investor! I've been so frustrated with my brokerage and the lack of information they provide. Now I'm able to see dividend amounts by month, year, and track everything. Highly recommend!”

Matt J.

"I've been using The Dividend Tracker for about a year now and I love it. The app continues to get better and better with each update. Now that I've used it, I can't imagine tracking my dividends any other way."

Zachary O.